Trong N. Nguyen's Resume

Trong N. Nguyen

Research engineer focused on medical imaging, machine learning and augmented reality applications

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


As a PHD Research Scientist, I have expertise in medical imaging research, especially ultrasound. My work spans machine learning, augmented reality visualization, signal processing, and translational clinical applications. I aim to bring cutting-edge imaging techniques from the lab to improve patient care. I have over 8 years experience working on interdisciplinary projects bridging medicine and engineering.

Work Experience

AusculTech Dx

2021 - now

Research Engineer

Developing SwiftUI end-user app for strep throat classification. Deploy the backend classification model. Developed real-time GUI for fetalECG detection. Developed machine learning models for early detection of asthma.

Staff Scientist

Developed augmented reality systems for ultrasound-guided procedures using HoloLens. Created machine learning models for early detection of asthma. Worked on AR for laparoscopic surgery and fusion software for 3D medical images.

Research Engineer

Developing and enhancing image registration algorithms: Working on the IGTFusion System to improve the automatic alignment of 3D medical images from various modalities, such as CT, PET, and MR.

PhD Candidate, Research Assistant

Developed machine learning methods for in vivo liver disease classification with ultrasound. Analyzed convolutional neural networks for ultrasonic tissue characterization. Pioneered passive ultrasound beam mapping techniques.

Avaz Inc

2015 - 2016

Research and Development Engineer

Sole engineer developing real-time ultrasound system to detect nerves during spinal surgery. Implemented B-mode and RF spectrum analysis algorithms in C++. Validated on animal models, cadavers and in live surgeries.


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

2015 - 2019
Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

2011 - 2014
M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering


  • Medical Imaging
  • Ultrasound
  • Machine Learning
  • Augmented Reality
  • Image Processing
  • Clinical Translation
  • C++/Python Programming
  • JavaScript


Nguyen, T., Plishker, W., Matisoff, A., Sharma, K., & Shekhar, R.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (2022)
Nguyen, T. N., Podkowa, A. S., Tam, A. Y., Arnold, E. C., Miller, R. J., Park, T. H., Oelze, M. L
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology (2020)
Nguyen, T. N., Podkowa, A. S., Park, T. H., Miller, R. J., Do, M. N., & Oelze, M. L.
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology (2021)
Nguyen, T. N., Do, M. N., & Oelze, M. L.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (2018)